Sunday, March 25, 2007

Tolkien Reading Day (March 25, 2007)

March 25 was selected by the Tolkien Society as Tolkien reading day because it marks the downfall of Sauron in Tolkien's Middle Earth.

J.R.R. Tolkien was my favorite author for many years as a child so I wholeheartedly recommend reading something by him today.

Or you may want to watch movie versions of The Lord of the Rings (both Peter Jackson's version and the 1978 animated film) and The Hobbit. We also have Tolkien on audio if you prefer to catch up with Frodo and Bilbo and the rest that way. We even have the PC game The Lord of the Rings. The Battle for Middle Earth.

You may not have known that Tolkien was also a medieval scholar, who translated or edited a number of Old and Middle English works. Why not sample some other examples of Old English and Middle English literature?

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